Scenarios That Allow You to Claim for Workers’ Compensation

Scenarios That Allow You to Claim for Workers’ Compensation – Workers’ compensation is a benefit that helps reduce the financial burden of employees, in case they suffer from a work related injury or illness. If you work within a risky work environment where injuries are possible, you should be aware of all the scenarios that can allow you to claim a workers’ compensation, in case you are ever in need of it. Below are some of the main scenarios under which workers’ compensation provides financial help for employees.

Require Medical Treatment

In case you suffer from a work related illness or injury, you can claim compensation for emergency care, medical treatment, prescribed tests and medicines, doctors’ fee and physical rehabilitation.

Recovery Period

You still have to pay the bills when you are recovering from an illness or injury that occurred at the workplace. In case your illness or injury is severe and you need time to recover before you can return to work, you can claim for workers’ compensation. You will receive a certain portion of your income under this law to meet your day to day expenses.

Permanent Impairment

Certain work environments can leave workers impaired for life. This usually happens when employees work with hazardous chemicals or have to perform tough physical tasks as part of their job, like lifting or moving bulky or heavy loads.

The impairment can limit the ability of the employees to perform those tasks again for the remainder of their lives. Such employees can file for a workers’ compensation and receive financial aid to cope with their loss due to the disability.

Vocational Rehabilitation

When a person wants to switch jobs or change their field entirely, the government can help them by bearing the expenses of retraining or education that they require to get the job they want.


In the unfortunate event of death of a worker, the dependents of the employee are entitled to a certain amount, to pay for burial expenses and are also paid a lump-sum to meet their daily expenses after the loss of their bread winner.

Filing the Claim

Unfortunately, many employers discourage their workers from filing claims and many insurance companies deny payment to sick and injured workers. This can stress workers out even more. If you are unable to file a claim for yourself, hire a capable workers’ comp attorney to help you out. Their experience of handling similar cases and their insight regarding such matters can help you win your case and get compensated for your sickness or injury under the law.

Looking for an expert workers’ comp attorney right now? Contact Rick Keys of Keys Law Offices to help you with your dilemma.

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